Welcome to the Knowles Family Genealogy web site.  This site is dedicated to the Roy Knowles Family (descended from "Old Silverhead" Knowles)  and any co-lateral lines that have linked in over the ages.
Genealogy can be fun when you start to link in history and famous people into your lines...

Ancestors of Revolutionary War 
Ebenezer Couch, Sr - Captain
Ebenezer Couch, Jr - Captain
Joseph Symonds - Captain


John Wood - Ensign
Alexander Ogle - Pvt
David Brown - Pvt
Hugh Canady - Pvt
Justus Gaylord - Pvt
John Rosencrans - Pvt
Jesse Kimball - Pvt
John Kimball - Pvt
Descended from Witches

Descended from
Mayflower passenger
Stephen Hopkins & daughter Constance

Descended from the
Kings of Scotland

Descended from Thomas Hobart, Martyr, burned at the stake May 1555 during reign of Bloody Mary

Our Cousin 
Calvin Coolidge

Our Cousin
Brigham Young

Our Cousin Diana

Our Cousin
Thomas Jefferson

Our Cousin
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Our Cousin FDR

Our Cousin
Alexander Hamilton
Our Cousin
Watt Earp
Our Cousin
Benjamin Franklin

Our Cousin
Kelsey Grammer
Our Cousin
Janis Joplin
Our Cousin
Ted Danson
Our Cousin
Julia Child
Our Cousin
Jimmy Buffett
Our Cousin
Sandra Day O'Conner

In case you were wondering, the site name is not a typo.  The expected site name was already taken, so I opted for  www.knowlesss.org  
 (like the song... 
Who Owns New York?...)  The music is of my own arrangement.

Who owns New York?
Oh, who owns New York?
Oh, who owns New York , 
oh can't you guess, guess, guess, guess?
We own New York!
We own New York:  

To contribute to the site or to ask questions, just contact the webmaster (that's me!) at:

Check the Artwork of Helen Knowles:
Hand painted and fired porcelain birds, plates, and more...
Plus woodworking and furniture.
Art by Helen

Links specific of the spouses of Gen 1 - Geraldine Nash, Helen Coffin, Jessie Mould, and William Roberson

      Cousins, Relatives, Ancestors of Helen Coffin

Descendants of 
Roger Williams, 
Founder of Rhode Island
Through William Roberson

    Helen Coffin Knowles and
William Howard Taft
are 6th cousins 2x removed
Geoffrey Chaucer is the 15th Great Grand Uncle of Helen Coffin

Doc & Helen were 
related - 9th cousins

      Helen Coffin Knowles
and John Quincy Adams
are 4th cousins 4x removed
Helen Coffin Knowles and
Frank Lloyd Wright
are 8th cousins 1x removed

Not actually descendants, but somewhat related to some interesting people...

Samuel Clemens        
15 Degrees from Samuel Clemens