Father: James Knowles Mother: Mary Price McClane |
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Knowles History |
Documents |
Family Tree |
1870 Census shows Ephraim (8) living in Coffee, Wabash County, Illinois, with parents James (37) and Mary (34) and siblings William (12), Susan (10), and Cynthia (2). | 1907 City Directory for Kansas City lists an E. Harry Knowles as a lawyer with an office at 406 K C Life Building and a residence at 612 E 9th Street. There is also a listing for Roy O. Knowles working for Gate City Amusement Company with an office at 718 K C Life Building and having the same residence address as E. Harry. This is the first indication found as to the "H" in Ephraim H. Knowles. |
1880 Census shows Ephraim (18) living in Coffee, Wabash County, Illinois, with parents James (48) and Mary J. (44) and siblings Susan (20) and Cynthia (12). Also in the house lived a niece, Mary C. Martin. | 1908 City Directory for Kansas City lists Ephraim H. as a lawyer living at 812 E 9th Street. Dora C is listed as a dressmaker and at the same address. | ||
1900 Census shows "Ephraem" (38) and 2nd wife Dora (33), living in Chicago ward 13, Cook County, Illinois with children Marguerita (6), Pauline (4), and Roy (13). | 1909 City Directory of Kansas City lists both a Dora C Knowles (furniture rooms), Dorothy Knowles (seamstress) and Marguarite (clerk) at the same address: 812 E 9th Street. Oddly, there is no listing for Roy or Ephraim | ||
1910 Census shows Ephriam (48)in Kansas City, Missouri, living with "Dortha" (45), wife of 18 years, and children Margueret (16) and Pauline (14). | 1910 Kansas City City Directory shows Ephaim H. (index mistakenly shows Ephraim II), lawyer, living at 718 Tracy Avenue. The same directory shows Dora C living at same address and a fitter for Parisian Cloak Company. Marguerite is a clerk living at same address. Pauline is not listed as she was too young to work, and Roy was not listed. | ||
1911 City Directory for Kansas City lists Dora C Knowles as the widow of Ephraim and living at 1411 E 8th Street. Marguarite is listed as residing at the same address. | |||
1912 City Directory for Kansas City does not list Ephraim but does list Dora C. Knowles as a seamstress living at 1208 Olive. The directory also lists a Dorothy Knowles as a seamstress for the Parisian Cloak Co. This person is living at 1515 Montgall Avenue. The directory lists Pauline as a clerk living at 1208 Olive, same as Dora C. | |||
1913 City Directory of Kansas City again lists Dora (but Dora H) as widow of Ephraim and living at 1910 Independence Boulevard. Pauline is listed this time and living at the same address. |