The Canedy Family

The early Canedy Homestead in Mt Carmel, Illinois, circa 1897

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top: Alma & Clifton
front:Sarah Wood Green, Dessie w/Melba, Catherine Wigton Canedy

circa 1912

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l-r top:Sarah, Pearl, Dessie, Eleanor
l-r bottom: Lyell, Alma, Clifton, Albert (1934)

Clifton Lewis Canedy & Alma Etta Green

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Pearl, Dessie & Sarah 1960

Canedy (1908)
The Canedy's (circa 1920) :l-r top:Pearl,Clifton,Alma,Dessie; l-r bot: Lyell,Eleanor,Sarah, Albert

Catherine Wigton

Back row, from left: Sarah Katherine White, her father Lonsdale White, Dessie Canedy White, Sarah Canedy, Doc Dillenbeck, Melba Young (Sarah Katherine's sister), Gilbert Lewis (pop) Canedy, Norman Canedy, Violet Canedy (mother of Norman), Lyell Canedy (Norman's dad), Pearl Canedy, Albert Canedy, Fern;  Front row, left to right: John Woods (Sarah Katherine's 2ns husband) holding their Susie, Jack Canedy (son of Albert), Donald Canedy (son of


6 Canedy kids

 Charles Albert Canedy? (1908)
    Canedy Clan Knowles family spending summer w/ Lyell Canedy family (1930)