Various documents show spouse as Katherine, Kate, Kate V, Katy V etc



Family Photo Pages

Canedy Tree #1



1850 Census has Lewis (13) with parents Aden and "Betsy" Canady and siblings Lucius D (11), James M (8), Louisa (6), Sarah (3), and Amanda (6 mo) in Porter (Delaware County), Ohio. Aden is listed as Shoemaker.  
1860 Census has Lewis "Canada" and "Cathrin" living with his brother Lusha A in Lancaster (Wabash County), Illinois. Lewis is listed as a farmer. Descent from (Outline)

Alexander Canedy

Lady Godiva (1080)

1880 Census has Lewis and Kate with Charles, Alvin, Willard, Leroy, and Elvin living in Denver, Nebraska Descent from (Reports)

William Acey (circa 1600)

Matthew Whipple (1540)

1900 Census has Lewis and Kate with son Elwin H living in Friendsville, Illinois  
1910 Census has Lewis and Katy V living alone in Friendsville, Illinois. Just up the road lives Elwin H and Sarah S Canedy with Lois, Elma, Don L, and nephew Otto R.